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Academic Standards of Zanesville Christian School


We believe that homework is an integral part of the school program and the teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid each student to advance in his studies. Each student is expected to complete homework assignments. Homework is given for several purposes:

  • For drill - We believe that most students require solid drilling to master material essential to their educational progress.
  • For practice - Following classroom explanation, illustration and drill on new work, homework is given so that the material will be mastered.
  • For remedial activity - As instruction progresses, various view points in a student's grasp of subject matter becomes evident. Homework, following instruction, is given to overcome such difficulties.
  • For special projects - Book reports, compositions, special research assignments, and projects are some of the activities that are frequently the subject of homework attention.

Limited homework on Wednesday nights are given to allow students to attend church services. While parents may assist in seeing that the work is done and in the explanation of the work when necessary, the work must be done by the student, and he must take responsibility for it.


Grade cards are issued each nine weeks while reports slips are issued every two weeks and interim reports issued once a grading period. The grading system used is as follows: A (94-100); B (85-93); C (76-84); D (69-75); F (0-68); I (Work incomplete) - If not made up then a failing grade will be given.


In order to make the Principal's List, a student must receive all A's. In order to make the B-Honor Roll, a student must receive all A's and B's and may have one C as long as it is counter balanced by an A of equal or more credit.


Standardized tests in mental maturity and scholastic achievement are used at ZCS. The results of these tests year after year are used by the teachers to plan realistic objectives in the growth and development of the children they teach. Tests are tools to be used to bring about successful attainment of growth in each child. Our goal is to be accountable to the Lord first, and then to our parents.