The Mission of Zanesville Christian School
Our school is committed to a quality program which has as its central purpose, Christ, and training in Christian living.
One period each day is devoted to specific training in the Bible. The Bible study is a graded course and suited to the particular needs, interest and abilities of the children to whom it is presented. ZCS teaches the truths found in the Word of God and expressed by the elders in governing the ministries of Maranatha. Evangelistically, we present man as sinful and that he must accept Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour if he would know peace here on this earth.
In the graded course of study the student is introduced to Bible characters and events. He sings the great Christian hymns. Bible geography and the study of Bible customs assist him in understanding the Bible.
A systematic program of Scripture memorization and daily classroom prayer help make the message of the Bible and practical communication with God a vital part of his life.