School Supplies
KINDERGARTEN -- Watercolors, thin crayons (at least 24 in a box), 2 fat pencils, 2 thin pencils for 2nd semester, extra erasers, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), pointed scissors, glue stick (no liquid glue), school bag, a clean small pillow (throw pillow size) with pillow case, small blanket, old shirt for painting, school box, 3 zip-lock gallon size bags, and 1 zip-lock quart size freezer bag. Please label all items with your child’s name. Pillow case and blanket are to be taken home periodically, laundered and returned. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym. Please be aware of limited space, thus small pillow and small blanket.
FIRST -- School Bible (King James Version), regular pencils, erasers, 12" ruler with inches and centimeters, scissors (pointed), 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), stenographer’s notebook, red ballpoint pen (no felt pens), Elmer’s white liquid glue, school box, crayons, watercolor paints, old shirt for painting, 1 folder with pockets, and 2 zip-lock quart size freezer bags. Please label items with your child’s name. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym.
SECOND -- School Bible (King James Version), pencils, erasers, ruler with inches and centimeters, pointed scissors, large jar school glue, school box, crayons, colored pencils, compass, old shirt for painting, watercolor paints, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), stenographer’s notebook, red ballpoint pen (no felt pens), old shirt for painting, 1 folder with pockets, 1 package of 200-count wide-ruled notebook paper, and 2 zip-lock quart size freezer bags. Please label all items with you child’s name. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym.
THIRD -- School Bible (King James Version), pencils, erasers, ruler with inches and centimeters, pointed scissors, large jar school glue, 1 glue stick, school box, crayons, colored pencils, compass, old shirt for painting, watercolor paints, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), 2 packages of 200-count wide-ruled notebook paper, red pen, 2 folder with pockets, and dark blue or black ink ballpoint pen (no gel pens). A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top for gym.
FOURTH -- School Bible (King James Version), pencils, erasers, ruler with inches and centimeters, pointed scissors, large jar school glue, 1 glue stick, school box, crayons, colored pencils, compass, old shirt for painting, watercolor paints, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), 2 packages of 200-count wide-ruled notebook paper, red marking pen, 1 folder with pockets, 2 folders with pockets and brackets, dark blue or black ink ballpoint pen (no gel pens), colored pencils, compass, and old shirt for painting. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym.
FIFTH -- School Bible (King James Version), notebook, notebook paper (no spiral notebook pads), pencils, erasers, ballpoint pens (blue and black ink only), ruler with inches and centimeters, colored pencils, pointed scissors, school glue, school box, crayons, red grading pen, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), compass, protractor, watercolor paints, and old shirt for painting. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym. The following materials are not needed until February or March : one 3-pronged plain folder, 5 to 15 3x5 ruled index cards, and about a half of a pack of 4x6 ruled index cards.
SIXTH -- School Bible (King James Version), notebook, notebook paper (no spiral notebook pads), pencils, erasers, ballpoint pens (blue and black ink only), ruler with inches and centimeters, colored pencils, pointed scissors, school glue, school box, crayons, red grading pen, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), compass, protractor, watercolor paints, and old shirt for painting. A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring loose-fitting slacks or culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active) for gym. The following materials are not needed until February or March : one 3-pronged plain folder, 5 to 15 3x5 ruled index cards, and about a half of a pack of 4x6 ruled index cards.
JUNIOR HIGH -- School Bible (King James Version), notebook and notebook paper (no spiral notebook pads), pencils, erasers, ballpoint pens (blue and black ink only), ruler with inches and centimeters, colored pencils, white glue or glue stick, 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), compass, protractor, 3x5 cards, folder for composition, assignment book, separate notebook with a pocket for Literature and Writing, and 2 folders for Ohio History. No spiral notebooks, except for note taking. Zip-lock bag or a school box for loose items.
SENIOR HIGH -- School Bible (King James Version), notebook and notebook paper (no spiral notebook pads), glue stick, pencils, erasers, ballpoint pens (blue and black ink only), ruler with inches and centimeters, colored pencils, compass, protractor (Geometry), 2 boxes of Kleenex (bring one each semester), 3x5 index cards for term papers, assignment book, separate notebook with a pocket for Literature and Writing, and a folder for compositions. No spiral notebooks, except for note taking. Zip-lock bag or a school box for loose items.
A clean pair of tennis shoes (that fit properly) to be used for gym only and girls need to bring culottes (these must be to the bottom of the knee) and a loose-fitting top for gym (these are to be long enough as not to show skin when being active).