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Ricky Gibson

Zanesville, OH

I am currently a student at the Maranatha Bible Institute. I plan to graduate from there in 2012 with a Certificate in Christian Education. I still tutor occasionally for Christian school kids when someone needs help in their studies. I have tutored 23 students from Zanesville Christian School since 1996. It is a blessing for me to here from former tutoring students! As to my disabilities, my doctor has told me that I do not have Bipolar Disorder and that my learning disability of language processing is actually due to Asperger Syndrome, which was made known in 1994 in the U.S. This is not a new revelation since Dr. Williams diagnosed this same thing without this name in 1987. An outgrowth of this in my life is the same illness of OCD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which was diagnosed in 1995 after my third year of college at Fairhaven Baptist College although I had it almost as long as I could remember it. To date, I have completed 4 years at Fairhaven; 7 years of tutoring internship credit, given by Marietta Bible College, at ZCS; 3 semesters and a summer at Marietta Bible College; and 8 quarters at the Maranatha Bible Institute, although some course work is forthcoming as correspondence courses in the future. Therefore, I have been to three places of higher learning, which reminds me of the saying how 'a threefold cord is not quickly broken' in the Scripture reference of Ecclesiastes 4:12. I currently have my own apartment, which my parents added to their house in 2004-2005. My grandfather (mother's father) died of Brain Cancer in the summer of 2004 so sometimes I help with my grandmother since his passing. In June of 2005, I started piano lessons again, and I have been able to play some special numbers for nursing home ministry. I would be happy to hear from any of you!